Art, Emotion and Value :

Art, Emotion and Value : Proceedings of the 5th Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics / 4th-8th July 2011 - Cartagena, Spain editors Jose Alcaraz, Matilde Carrasco, Salvador Rubio. - [Cartagena] [χ.ε.] 2011 - 319σ. 30εκ.

Περιεχόμενα: Dominique Château, Les valeurs de l'art Αa l'ère du post-art / Anna Christina Ribeiro, The value of sad poetry / Rachida Triki, Aesthetic value, creation and emotion / Gerard Vilar, Deartification, deastheticization and politicization contemporary art / Jorge Tomás García, La respuesta aristotélica de las emociones estéticas en la obra de Apeles de Cos / Maftei Ştefan-Sebastian, A cultural revolution for the "Free Spirits": Hugo Ball's Nietzschean Anarchism / Lev Kreft, Hedonistic morality and the art of life: Jean-Marie Guyau revisite / Marta Vaamonde Gamo, John Dewey on the continuity of art and morals within the consummated experience / José Martinez Hernández, LA teoria estética de Federico García Lorca / ΒElise Derroitte, La critique esthétique comme réponse Αa l'exemplarité morale, la lecture benjaminienne de la tragédie / Silvia Zappula, Reading Antigone through Hannah Arndt's political philosophy / Antonio Bentivegna, Sobre la posibilidad de una estética erótica: crítica y actualidad del pensiamento de Herbert Marcuse / Jaime Aspiunza, La experiencia estética, por ejemplo, en Kant, a la luz de las teorias neurologicas de A.Damasio / David Díaz Soto, Una cuestión de semántica. Greenberg, Fried y la expresión emotiva en artes plásticas / José Juan Gonzalez, Art as an expression of emotion in the language of imagination: Dickie's misendurstanding of Collingwood's aesthetics / Vangelis Athanassopoulos, La valeur de la métaphore: pour une économie esthétique du Kitsch / Wolfram Bergande, Mixed pleasures, interpassivity and the ethical dimension of art / Gabriele Bersa, Art-ΒEthique-Politique / Carla Carmona Escalera, El genio: ética y estética son una / Sixto Castro, Towards an aesthetic hermeneutics / Sabina Dorneanu, Is aestheticization necessarily a moral flaw in a work of art? / Mikel Iriondo Aranguren, Copias del arte y arte de la copia / CAndess Kostopoulos, The art of politics or the politics of art? Conceptualizing aesthetic commitment from within a Ricoeurian framework / Martin Potter, Can art for art's sake imply ethics? Henry James and David Jones / Nuno Miguel Poença, Aesthetics and emotions according to William James / Mélissa Thériault, Art, art des affaires et affaires d'or: le cas de l'art de masse / Constantinos V. Proimos, Forgiveness and forgiving in Rembrandt's return of the prodigal son (c.1668) / Antonio García Lopez y Francisco J. Guillén Martínez, Las técnicas pictóricas de la desencarnación en la obra de Mark Rothko / Sondès Hébiri, La couleur comme passion chez Paul Klee


Μεσογειακό Συνέδριο Αισθητικής, Cartagena, Ισπανία (04-08 Ιουλ. 2011)

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