Thinking photography /

Burgin, Victor

Thinking photography / edited by Victor Burgin. - London Macmillan 1982 - 239σ. φωτ., α/μ 23εκ. - Communications and culture .

Δωρεά R. Woodfield Δεκ. 2013

Περιέχει βιβλιογραφία και ευρετήριο

Περιεχόμενα: Walter Benjamin, The author as producer / Umberto Eco, Critique of the image / Victor Burgin, Photographic practice and art theory / Allan Sekula, On the invenion of photographic meaning / John Tagg, The currency of the photograph / Victor Burgin, Looking at photographs / Simon Watney, Making strange / Vicroe Burgin, Photography, phantasy, function



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