Ryan, Alan

The philosophy of social explanation / edited by Alan Ryan. - London Oxford University Press 1973 - 228σ. [χ.ε.] 21εκ. - Oxford Readings in Philosophy / Series editor G. J. Warnock .

Δωρεά R. Woodfield Δεκ. 2013

Περιεχόμενα: Alasdair macIntyre, The idea of a social science / Martin Hollis, Reason and ritual / George C. Homans, Bringing men back in / R.P. Dore, Function and cause / J.W.N. Watkins, Ideal types and historical explanation / Maurice Mandelbaum, Societal facts / Steven Lukes, Mehtodological individualism reconsidered / Ernest Nagel, Assupmptions in economic theory / Charles Taylor, Neutrality in political science / Alasdair MacIntyre, Is a science of comparative politics possible? / W.G. Runciman, What is structuralism? / Alfred Schutz, Problems of interpretive sociology


Κοινωνικές επιστήμες ----Φιλοσοφία και θεωρία
Πολιτική και φιλοσοφία
