Dutton, Denis

The forger's art : Forgery and the philosophy of art / edited by Denis Dutton. - Berkeley London University of California Press 1983 - x+276σ. εικ., α/μ 23εκ.

Δωρεά R. Woodfield Δεκ. 2013

Περιέχει βιβλιογραφία και ευρετήριο (σσ.265-276)

Περιεχόμενα: Hope B. Werness, Han van Meegeren fecit / Alfred Lessing, What is wrong with a forgery? / Leonard B. Meyer, Forgery and the anthropology of art / Nelson Goodman, Art and authenticity / Jack W. Meiland, Originals, copies and aesthetic value / Mark Sagoff, The aesthetic status of forgeries / Joseph Margolis, Art, forgey and authenticity / Denis Dutton, Artistic crimes / Michael Wreen, Is, Madam? Nay, It seems / Monroe C. Beardsley, Notes on forgery / Rudolf Arnheim, On duplication / Francis Sparshott, The disappointed art lover


